Outdoor Evening Prayer Service
As one part of this first evening service, we will prayerfully tie orange ribbons near the George Henry
steps, to remember the children who have died at residential schools.
In our south parking lot outside the George Henry entrance.
- These will be simple and relatively brief services, and we ask that you “bring your own chair” if possible (we will have a few extras available).
- No need to pre-register, but we will need to take attendance for contact tracing when you arrive, and we ask everyone to screen for symptoms before coming.
- We do ask, even though we are outdoors, that masks be worn. Chairs will be 6 feet distanced from each other.
- We will be allowed up to 4 singers at a distance of 12 feet from everyone else. So there will be music, but no congregational singing is permitted
- Any gathering beyond our worship together is restricted to provincial gathering limits
- In case of a rainy evening, please call my extension at the church before you come and my voice-message will state whether the service is cancelled. (416) 494 – 7020 ext. 2*
- If you are interested in helping or participating in some way, please do let me know
- Children would need to remain with their families
- We would like to keep access to the building/washrooms closed
- And lastly, please consider inviting a friend or neighbour to come along!