Sometimes life’s agenda takes over our best-laid plans. With Pre-authorized Giving or Pre-authorized Remittance (PAR) you don’t have to worry about writing a cheque or forgetting to donate because life has thrown you a curveball. By signing up for PAR, which is managed by the United Church of Canada on our behalf, you make a clear statement of what is important to you.
Through an automatic monthly withdrawal from your bank account, give to what matters to you most.
It’s really easy.
Simply complete the PAR Authorization Form and give it or mail it to us. You can indicate on the form how much your gift will be, and how much you would like to give to transform and save lives, inspire meaning and purpose, and build a better world through Mission & Service.
A dependable flow of contributions helps keep the church, and most importantly the good work the church does, on financially stable ground.
The PAR form is here.
Thank you for your gift!
If at any time you want to increase the amount you are giving, decrease, or end your support, simply let us know by email or by mail to the church.
Charitable Registration Number: 118862135RR0001