Growing Healthy Stewards

The classic definition of Stewardship is the following “Stewardship is receiving God’s gifts gratefully, cherishing and tending them in a responsible and accountable manner, sharing them in justice and love with others, and returning them with increase to the Lord.”  It is a complete lifestyle of accountability and responsibility, acknowledging God as the Creator and Owner of all.  Stewards, as disciples of Jesus Christ, see themselves as caretakers of all God’s gifts.  Gratitude for these gifts is expressed in prayer, worship, action and offering by eagerly sharing these gifts out of love for God and for one another.  In talking about stewardship, the phrase “time, talent and treasure” is frequently used.  (Quotation from the Diocese Stewardship Ministry).

The Growing Healthy Stewards Committee, under the leadership of Delores Lawrence, has, over the past three years, planned a Parish Fair Parish Dinner and Auction, and a Parish Dinner to launch our Capital Campaign that will allow us to bring our building in line with the provincial’s Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).