Priest & Pastor

The Rev. Sherri Golisky
Before coming to St. Matthew the Apostle Oriole, Sherri completed her Assistant Curacy at St. Cuthbert’s Leaside. Prior to that she worked as a chaplain, first in the youth correctional system and then in hospital and long-term care settings. It was in the context of this work that Sherri received her call to ordained ministry. She was ordained a deacon on May 5th, 2019 at St. James Cathedral and a priest on October 18th, 2020 at St. Cuthbert’s.
Sherri received her Master of Divinity from the University of St. Michael’s College. She completed placements at the Church of St. Stephen-in-the-Fields and St. Timothy’s Agincourt, and was baptized and confirmed as an adult at the Church of the Redeemer. Her passion for mission, outreach, and social justice found its start in her earlier volunteer work with the Salvation Army, where she contributed to various ministries of a diverse urban church in the neighbourhood of Regent Park.
Sherri is passionate about Christian discipleship and the building of community, and in her spare time enjoys writing poetry, hiking, kayaking, and retreating to the rocks and pines of Georgian Bay.
The Reverend Sherri can be contacted at:
416-494-7020 ext. 2
Assisting Clergy & Staff

The Venerable Kyn Barker

David Braund
Music Director & Organist

Val Seales
Rector’s Warden

Steve O’Keefe
People’s Warden

Nigel Jansz
Deputy Warden

Norma Walker Roberts
Deputy Warden