What We Believe

Worship is the backbone to all we do here at St. Matthew. Week after week we gather together to worship God as a community of faith and the Body of Christ. To encounter God through word and sacrament so that we might be transformed in order

to share the Good News of God in Christ back out in the world. The word “liturgy” comes from a Greek word that means, “the work of the people”, and ourweekly liturgies and other special services are wonderful examples of this.

Since 1964, St. Matthew the Apostle Oriole has served our parishioners, local community and beyond in the name of Jesus Christ. Through the generous giving of people’s time, talent and treasure, God’s mission to reconcile this world to God’s self through Christ continues in the many different ways we love and serve each other and our neighbours. Through liturgy and worship, Christian Education and Faith Development, Pastoral Care and Fellowship and Outreach and Mission, St. Matthew’s is making a real difference in furthering God’s reign among those we have been called to care for and walk alongside with.
There are various ways we as a parish community have sought to respond faithfully to what God is at work doing in our midst and in the world. We hope that in hearing our story, you will consider how God is calling you to be a part of our community.

Still Have Questions?

Give us a call at 416-494-7020 ext. 1 or email us at office@stmatthew.ca